Red Sun in the Morning

While in college I met my (future) husband. He was a sailor, instructing for the Annapolis Sailing School (Annapolis, MD) during his high school and college summers. He had also qualified for his Captain’s license so knew the ins and outs of all things nautical.


Sailors don’t dispute that a red sun in the morning likely indicates foul weather ahead (sailors take warning) while a red sun at night indicates fair weather to come (sailors’ delight)! (Matthew 16:2-3) I got to experience first-hand a red-sun morning and the resulting foul weather when he invited me to help ‘crew’ a friend’s boat in the Maryland Governor’s Cup race and we experienced an overnight storm. The boat almost keeled over! I was sure we were all going in. While we survived, I much prefer a more ‘even-keel’ sail!

Thirty-four years into our marriage I realize that I also much prefer an ‘even-keel’ marriage. But, just as sunny days and sudden storms affect a day of sailing, our marriage has been impacted by changing weather conditions. In fact, we’ve experienced years of stormy weather. Our little marriage boat has been tossed about, tipping from side to side, approaching ‘full keel’ at times. Sure, we’ve enjoyed sunny days and (by God’s grace) have many happy memories, but I can’t say it was ever ‘even-keel’.

My problem is that I became so disappointed by this. I expected smooth sailing and didn’t know quite what to do with all the foul weather. That yearning in itself created an expectation that neither my husband nor I could live up to. The Lord is teaching me though. The Bible doesn’t promise fair weather in a marriage (let alone life). In fact, Jesus assures us that we will face storms (John 16:33). But He also promises He is with us always (Matthew 28:20b). He is my anchor, securing me and our Christ-centered marriage when tossed about in the storms of life. Practical tools that have blessed me personally are the Kendricks brothers’ The Love Dare book (and movie, Fireproof), Emerson Eggerichs’ Love & Respect and Gary Thomas’ Sacred Marriage. These tools have helped me realize that weathering the storms (that we’ll continue to experience when that red sun regrettably rises) is an opportunity to grow. The Lord has changed me through the sunny days and storms of my marriage. He has humbled me and has instilled in me a passion for others who are treading similar deep water. With His help my husband and I are each conforming more and more to the likeness of Jesus and loving each other as He has already loved us. (Romans 8:29-30)

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Christian Wives’ Club


My Summer at a Truck Stop